Website Publisher
The website is published by the company Mike Agency, headquartered


Phone :

Email address:

The publication director of the website is Mike Agency.

Website Host

The website is hosted by the company: OVH.

Address : 2, rue Kellermann BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX Cedex 1
Tel.: +33 (0)8 203 203 63
Registration number with the Trade and Companies Register of Lille: B 424 761 419.

Communication agency
GEMEA Interactive
Email :
Tel. : +33(0) 9 50 02 74 00

Creation of websites
Communication agency specialized in website creation
GEMEA Interactive
Email :
Tel. : +33(0) 9 50 02 74 00

Intellectual property:
The content of this site is protected by copyright. Any reproduction without the explicit consent of the publication director is strictly prohibited.

Photos credits

General terms and conditions of sale of online services to individual consumers.

These general terms and conditions of sale apply to all service contracts concluded on the Internet site. Mike Agency.

The website Mike Agency is a service provided by:

- The company Mike Agency

- located at: 


- website URL address:

- email address:

- phone 

The customer declares that he/she has read and accepted the general terms and conditions of sale prior to placing the order. Therefore, validating the order implies acceptance of the general terms and conditions of sale.


Article 1 - Content and Scope of Application

These general terms and conditions of sale automatically apply to the following services: PROTECT & DEFENSE.

They apply to the exclusion of all other conditions, in particular those applicable for sales on the internet or through other distribution and marketing channels.

The sale is deemed to be concluded on the date of acceptance of the order or immediate purchase by the seller.

Any order or immediate purchase implies unconditional adherence to these general terms and conditions of sale, which prevail over any other conditions, except those expressly accepted by the seller.

The buyer declares to have read these general terms and conditions of sale and accepted them before making his immediate purchase or placing his order.


Article 2 – Pre-contractual information

Prior to immediate purchase or placing the order and concluding the contract, these general terms and conditions of sale are communicated to the buyer, who acknowledges having received them.

The following information is transmitted to the buyer in a clear and understandable manner:

- Essential characteristics of the service;

- The price of the service or the method of calculating the price, and, if applicable, any additional costs for transport, delivery, postage, and any other potential fees;

- The date or deadline by which the provider undertakes to perform the service, regardless of its price, and any other contractual conditions;

- Information regarding the identity of the provider, their postal, telephone, and electronic contact details, and their activities;

- The procedures for handling complaints;

- The duration of the contract, when it is concluded for a fixed term, or the conditions for termination in the case of a contract for an indefinite period;

- Regarding digital content, any relevant interoperability of this content with certain hardware or software that the professional has or should reasonably have knowledge of.

The service provider must also communicate to the buyer, or make available to them, the following information:

- Legal status and form, contact information enabling quick contact and direct communication with them;

- If applicable, the registration number in the trade and companies register or in the directory of trades;

- For activities subject to an authorization regime, the name and address of the authority that issued it;

- For the provider subject to value-added tax and identified by an individual number in accordance with Article 286 ter of the General Tax Code, their individual identification number.

- For the provider who is a member of a regulated profession, their professional title, the EU Member State in which it was granted, and the name of the order or professional organization with which they are registered.

- Any financial guarantee or professional liability insurance taken out by them, the contact details of the insurer or guarantor, as well as the geographical coverage of the contract or commitment.


Article 3 - Order

By order, it is understood as any request for services listed on the seller's price list, and accepted by them, accompanied by payment of the deposit, if any, as provided on the order form.

For any order to be valid, it must be made on the seller's order forms, available to customers in their stores.

Any order received by the seller is deemed firm and final.

It entails full and complete adherence to and acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale and an obligation to pay for the products ordered.

The buyer has a right of withdrawal of 14 days from the conclusion of the contract, except for exceptions provided for in Article L.211-28 of the Consumer Code.


Article 4 – Quote

For services requiring the establishment of a prior quote, the sale will only be considered final after the provider has prepared a quote and sent the buyer confirmation of the acceptance of the order.

The quotes established by the provider have a validity period of 15 days.


Article 5 - Execution of the Service and Termination of the Contract

Unless otherwise expressly stated in the sale, the execution of the service will be carried out within the timeframe of 6 to 10 weeks from the date the seller receives a properly placed order.

In case of failure by the seller to fulfill its obligation by the agreed date or upon expiration of the above-mentioned period, or, failing that, no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the contract, the buyer may terminate the contract, under the conditions of Articles L. 216-2 and L. 216-3 and L. 216-4 of the Consumer Code, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or by written notice on another durable medium, if, after having ordered, under the same conditions, the professional to provide the service within a reasonable additional period, the latter has not fulfilled its obligation within this period.

The contract is considered resolved upon receipt by the professional of the letter or writing informing them of this resolution, unless the professional has performed in the meantime.

However, the buyer may immediately terminate the contract when the professional refuses to provide the service or fails to fulfill its obligation to provide the service by the agreed date, if this date or deadline constitutes an essential condition of the contract for the buyer. This essential condition arises from the circumstances surrounding the conclusion of the contract or from an express request by the consumer before the conclusion of the contract.

The costs and risks associated with this operation are the sole responsibility of the service provider.

Except in cases of force majeure, the deposit paid at the time of ordering is automatically acquired and cannot be refunded.


Article 6 - Exceptions to the Withdrawal Period

The 14 days withdrawal period does not apply to the situations listed below:

- The service relates to leisure activities that must be provided on a specific date or during a specific period.

Order cancellation 
In the event of cancellation of the order by the buyer, after acceptance by the seller, for any reason other than force majeure, a sum corresponding to 10 % of the purchase amount will be retained by the seller, as damages, in compensation for the damage suffered.


Article 7 - Price

The prices are firm and final. Unless otherwise expressly stated in the sale, the prices of the services performed are those listed in the price catalog on the day of the order.

They are expressed in legal currency and stated all taxes included.

In addition to these prices, the following fees apply: Third-party services and subscriptionsin the conditions indicated in the provider's price list.


Article 8 - Payment

Unless otherwise expressly provided in the specific conditions, payment of the price is made in cash upon ordering. No order will be processed without full payment on that date.

Payments made by the buyer will only be considered final upon actual receipt of the sums due by the service provider.

An invoice will be provided to the buyer upon request.


Article 9 - Guarantees - General provisions

9-1 Legal warranty of conformity

Mike Agency guarantees the conformity of the goods sold to the contract, allowing the buyer to make a claim under the legal warranty of conformity provided for in Articles L. 217-4 and following of the Consumer Code.

In the event of implementation of the legal warranty of conformity, it is reminded that:

- The buyer has a period of 2 years from the delivery of the goods to take action;

- The buyer may choose between repairing or replacing the goods, subject to the cost conditions provided for in Article L. 217-17 of the Consumer Code;

- The buyer does not have to provide proof of the non-conformity of the goods during the first 24 months for new goods (6 months for second-hand goods) following the delivery of the goods.

9-2 Legal warranty for hidden defects

In accordance with Articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code, Mike Agency is responsible for hidden defects that may affect the sold goods. It will be up to the buyer to prove that the defects existed at the time of sale and are of such a nature as to render the goods unfit for the use for which they are intended. This warranty must be implemented within a period of two years from the discovery of the defect.

The buyer may choose between canceling the sale or a price reduction in accordance with Article 1644 of the Civil Code.


Article 10 - Intellectual Property

All technical documents, products, drawings, photographs provided to buyers remain the exclusive property of Mike Agencythe sole holder of the intellectual property rights to these documents, and must be returned to them upon request.

The buying customers undertake not to make any use of these documents that may infringe upon the industrial or intellectual property rights of the supplier, and undertake not to disclose them to any third party.


Article 11 - Competent Jurisdiction

All disputes to which the purchase and sale transactions concluded under these general terms and conditions of sale may give rise, concerning their validity, interpretation, execution, termination, consequences, and aftermath, and which could not be resolved amicably between the seller and the customer, will be submitted to the competent courts under ordinary law.

For the definition of the competent jurisdiction, the seller elects domicile at 




Article 12 - Language of the Contract

These general terms and conditions of sale are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more foreign languages, only the French text shall prevail in case of dispute.


Article 13 - Mediation and Dispute Resolution

The buyer may resort to conventional mediation, notably through the Consumer Mediation Commission or through existing sectoral mediation bodies, or to any alternative dispute resolution method (conciliation, for example) in the event of a dispute.

In case of dispute, the contact details of the mediator to whom the buyer may apply are as follows: « FEVAD e-commerce mediator »« First name and last name of the mediator »« Address »« Postal code and city »« Mediator's email address ».

In accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013, the European Commission has established an Online Dispute Resolution platform, facilitating the independent out-of-court resolution of online disputes between consumers and professionals in the European Union. This platform is accessible at the following link:


Article 14 - Applicable Law

These general terms and conditions are subject to French law.

This applies to both substantive and procedural rules. In the event of a dispute or complaint, the buyer will first contact the seller to seek an amicable solution.


Article 15 - Protection of Personal Data

Data collected:

The personal data collected on this site are as follows:

- Account creation: When creating the user account, their name, first name, email address, phone number, and postal address are collected.

- Connection: When the user logs into the website, it records, among other things, their name, first name, login data, usage data, location data, and payment data.

- Profile: The use of services provided on the website allows the user to provide a profile, which may include an address and a phone number.

- Payment: In the context of paying for products and services offered on the website, it records financial data related to the user's bank account or credit card.

– Communication : When the website is used to communicate with other members, data regarding the user's communications is subject to temporary retention.

– Cookies : Cookies are used as part of using the site. The user has the option to disable cookies from their browser settings.

Use of Personal Data

The personal data collected from users is intended for the provision of services on the website, their improvement, and the maintenance of a secure environment. More specifically, the uses are as follows:

- Access and use of the website by the user;

- Management of the operation and optimization of the website;

- Organization of the terms of use of payment services;

- Verification, identification, and authentication of data transmitted by the user;

- Offering the user the possibility to communicate with other users of the website;

- Implementation of user support;

- Customization of services by displaying advertisements based on the user's browsing history, according to their preferences;

- Prevention and detection of fraud, malware, and management of security incidents;

- Management of any disputes with users;

- Sending commercial and advertising information, according to the user's preferences.

Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

Personal data may be shared with third-party companies in the following cases:

- When the user uses payment services, for the implementation of these services, the website is in contact with third-party banking and financial companies with which it has contracted;

- When the user publishes, in the free comment areas of the website, information accessible to the public;

- When the user authorizes a third-party website to access their data;

- When the website uses the services of providers to provide user support, advertising, and payment services. These providers have limited access to user data, as part of the provision of these services, and have a contractual obligation to use them in accordance with the provisions of the applicable data protection regulations.

- If required by law, the website may transmit data to respond to claims against the website and comply with administrative and judicial procedures.

- If the website is involved in a merger, acquisition, asset sale, or bankruptcy proceeding, it may be required to transfer or share all or part of its assets, including personal data. In this case, users would be informed before their personal data is transferred to a third party.

- Security and Confidentiality

The website implements organizational, technical, software, and physical measures regarding digital security to protect personal data against alterations, destruction, and unauthorized access. However, it should be noted that the internet is not a completely secure environment, and the website cannot guarantee the security of transmission or storage of information over the internet.

Implementation of user rights

In accordance with the regulations applicable to personal data, users have the rights mentioned below, which they can exercise by making their request to the following address:

  • The right of access: they can exercise their right to access, to know the personal data concerning them. In this case, before implementing this right, the website may request proof of the user's identity to verify its accuracy.
  • The right to rectification: if the personal data held by the website is inaccurate, they can request the updating of the information.
  • The right to erasure of data: users can request the deletion of their personal data, in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
  • The right to restriction of processing: Users can request the website to limit the processing of personal data in accordance with the scenarios provided by the GDPR.
  • The right to object to data processing: Users can object to their data being processed in accordance with the scenarios provided by the GDPR.
  • The right to data portability: Users can request that the website provide them with the personal data they have provided in order to transmit it to a new website.

Modification of this clause

The website reserves the right to make any changes to this clause relating to the protection of personal data at any time. If a modification is made to this clause on the protection of personal data, the website undertakes to publish the new version on its website. The website will also inform users of the modification by email, at least 15 days before the effective date. If the user does not agree with the terms of the new version of the clause on the protection of personal data, they have the option to delete their account.


These Terms and Conditions for Online Services for Individuals  were created on the Rocket Lawyer website.




Retractation Form

(to be completed by the consumer,

and to be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt,

within a maximum period of 14 days following the date of conclusion of the service contract)


Retractation Form


To the attention of:

Mike Agency,

located at 



phone number: ,

email address:


I hereby notify you of my withdrawal from the contract for the service, ordered on:  ………


First and last name of the consumer: ……………..

Consumer's address: ……………..


Date : ………………


Consumer's signature









Mike Agency is committed to respecting your privacy as well as applicable data protection and privacy laws. This privacy policy ('Policy') describes our method of collecting and using personal data when Mike Agency is the data controller or when we mention the applicability of this policy. 'Personal data' refers to any information about you or any individual who can be identified.
We will provide you with additional information regarding this privacy, when it is specific to a product or service in the Supplements of this policy. You may also encounter warnings when using our products or services. If you encounter differences between these warnings and this Policy, you should first consider the warnings.
The software on your device may access your information. Our products or services may contain links to, or be integrated with, other websites and services operated by companies that have their own privacy policies. Where our products are integrated with the products and services of our customers, we ask them to be transparent with you. This may include the presence of a link redirecting to this Policy and relevant Supplements, and this transparency may also appear in the form of integrated notifications identifying us as the provider or controller of the service.

If you do not agree with this policy, do not use our products or services, and do not provide your personal data to Mike Agency.


We collect your personal data and other information when you request a quote.


When you access our online services, our web servers automatically record your visits. These records typically include the IP address, access durations, referring sites, pages visited, links and features used, displayed or requested content, browser or application type, language, and other similar information. You can also refer to our Cookie Policy.
Our applications may regularly contact our servers, for example, to check for updates, or to send us information regarding your use of our services. Additionally, we may invite you to voluntarily join service improvement or research programs, in which we collect detailed information. Refer to the Supplements of this Policy for more information.


When you request a quote, we may ask for information such as name, email address, phone number, postal address, comments.


Mike Agency may process your personal data to fulfill various purposes. This may apply to one or more needs at the same time.


An account may be necessary to help you manage your content and preferences. Depending on the service, creating an account may be required or optional. Creating an account involves providing us with basic contact information about you, such as your name, email address, country of residence.


We may use your personal data to communicate with you in order to reach you through our customer service.


Our legal basis for processing your personal data depends on the purpose of this processing and may vary as described in the corresponding Supplement to the product or service you are using. Generally, the legal bases for processing your personal data are as follows:


We process your personal data in compliance with laws and regulations.


We process your personal data for the benefit of our legitimate interests in customer management. Any such processing is subject to appropriate measures aimed at protecting your freedoms and fundamental rights in connection with your personal data.


We strive to collect only personal data that is relevant to the purpose for which it was collected and not to retain this data longer than necessary for those purposes. The duration for which personal data is retained and the criteria for determining this duration depend on the nature of the personal data and the purpose for which it was collected. For example, regarding data related to the management of your account (such as your name, email address, account content, and preferences), it is retained as long as you maintain it on your account. You can contact Mike Agency's privacy office at for further information about the retention of your personal data.


We do not sell, rent, or disclose your personal data to third parties.


We may be required by law to disclose your personal data to certain authorities or other third parties, such as law enforcement agencies. We may also disclose and process your personal data in accordance with applicable law to defend the legitimate interests of Mike Agency, for example, in legal proceedings or in connection with government requests and filings.


If we decide to sell, merge, or otherwise reorganize our companies in certain countries, this may involve disclosing personal data to potential or actual acquirers and their advisors, or receiving personal data from sellers and their advisors.


We take reasonable measures to keep the personal data we have accurate and to delete incorrect or unnecessary personal data.
We encourage you to access your account periodically to review your personal data to ensure it is up to date.


We take appropriate measures to address the risk of online security, physical security, data loss, and other risks by considering the risk posed by the processing and the nature of the data being protected. We also limit access to our databases containing personal data to only authorized personnel who have a justified need to access this information.


You have the right to know the personal data we hold about you and to access it. You have the right to request that any incomplete, incorrect, unnecessary, or outdated personal data be updated. You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data and to obtain a copy of your data in a machine-readable format. You have the right to object to or restrict processing in certain circumstances, for example, when you believe the data is inaccurate or the processing activity is unlawful. If you reside in a European Union member state or the European Economic Area, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority regarding our data collection and processing activities.
You can exercise your rights by contacting us. The applicable data protection legislation may contain certain restrictions on the extent to which these rights can be exercised. If a restriction applies, we will respond to your request with an explanation of the actions that will be taken, to the extent required by the applicable data protection legislation.


This policy explains how Mike Agency uses cookies, files, and cookie-related technologies on its websites, such as local shared objects, also known as 'Flash cookies,' web beacons, etc. We generally refer to these as 'cookies'.


Cookies are small files that are sent to and stored on your computer by the websites you visit. Cookies are stored in your browser's file directory. When you revisit the site, your browser will read the cookie and transmit the information back to the website or element that originally set the cookie. To learn more about these technologies and how they work, please visit websites like


Mike Agency domains use cookies to provide you with a smoother experience, and for the reasons outlined below.


These cookies are essential for the operation of our websites and to provide you with a seamless experience.
You can navigate seamlessly thanks to the recording of certain data such as your language and country preferences, while preserving authentication for secure parts of the domain.


These cookies allow us to improve our websites by observing their usage.
We perform analytical profiling to see, for example, if a particular product is viewed by unique users (to detect its popularity). We also observe the location from which access is made to arrange our sites in the best way for our users.


Cookies as well as tracking pixels are integrated into our site based on your consent. You can also manage your cookie settings from your browser settings.


You can change the options available to manage cookies in your browser. The browser can be used to manage cookies associated with basic functions, site improvement, customization, and advertising. Different browsers use different methods to disable cookies, but they are generally found in the Tools or Options menu. You can also consult the browser's help menu. In addition to managing cookies, browsers also allow you to control similar files to cookies, such as local shared objects, by enabling the browser's privacy mode. Disabling cookies may prevent you from using certain sections of Mike Agency's websites. However, if you delete your browser cookies, you may need to reinstall the cookies you choose to disable.


It depends on the type of cookies. Session cookies expire when the browser is closed.


Mike Agency will be the data controller of your personal data.
You can find the identity of the data controller and their contact details on the Mike Agency website.
For questions regarding Mike Agency's privacy practices, you can contact the following address:
Mike Agency –


Email address :


Mike Agency reserves the right to modify this document and, with or without notice, to block access to our Site at any time, or to change the terms of access. However, if our Policy were to be modified in a way that may be unfavorable to you, Mike Agency would publish a warning note at the top of this policy, as well as on the homepage of our Site. We advise you to regularly check our Policy to stay informed of any changes.

Nous utilisons des cookies. Vous pouvez configurer ou refuser les cookies dans votre navigateur. Vous pouvez aussi accepter tous les cookies en cliquant sur le bouton « Accepter tous les cookies ». Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez consulter notre Politique de confidentialité et des cookies.